Hyperledger fabric 1.0 代码解析 之 chaincode launch


Launch chaincode整体流程

智能合约(chaincode)的执行一般是在docker中进行的,所以在执行之前,需要先完成将chaincode打包到docker容器中的过程。整个过程在core/chaincode/chaincode_support.go 的Launch函数中完成。

  1. 已经Launch的情况。对于正在运行(running)的则直接返回。
  2. 得到cds(ChaincodeDeploymentSpec),对于deploy情况在函数开始的地方便可以获得,对于非deploy情况下(cds == nil)需要先从lscc中得到chaincode data,然后从返回中得到cds。
  3. 对于系统container以及非dev模式需要lanuch容器。其它情况直接执行步骤6.(peer节点配置文件中的chaincode.mode,有两种模式分别为”dev”和”net”,”dev”chaincode是在本地执行,”net”模式chaincode是在docker中执行。”dev”的时候userRunsCC为true,即本地执行。执行环境exec分为有system和docker两种)
  4. 若codePackage为空,对于!userRunsCC且执行环境不是ChaincodeDeploymentSpec_SYSTEM,由于是需要部署在docker上的,必须要有chaincode信息,则尝试从文件系统中读取,若失败则直接返回。
  5. 创建builder(这里builder主要是读取cds的reader,之后在必要时用来创建镜像),然后交由launchAndWaitForRegister处理。该过程中会检查是否已经有镜像,没有则创建它,并启动相应的container。
  6. chaincodeSupport调用sendReady,保证container进入状态机的ready态。这部分是状态机的状态变化和事件。详见core/chaincode/handler.go
// Launch will launch the chaincode if not running (if running return nil) and will wait for handler of the chaincode to get into FSM ready state.
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) Launch(context context.Context, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, spec interface{}) (*pb.ChaincodeID, *pb.ChaincodeInput, error) {
    //build the chaincode
    var cID *pb.ChaincodeID
    var cMsg *pb.ChaincodeInput

    var cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
    var ci *pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec
    if cds, _ = spec.(*pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec); cds == nil {
        if ci, _ = spec.(*pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec); ci == nil {
            panic("Launch should be called with deployment or invocation spec")
    if cds != nil {
        cID = cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId
        cMsg = cds.ChaincodeSpec.Input
    } else {
        cID = ci.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId
        cMsg = ci.ChaincodeSpec.Input
    canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()

    /*canName已经 launch的情况*/
    var chrte *chaincodeRTEnv
    var ok bool
    var err error
    //if its in the map, there must be a connected stream...nothing to do
    if chrte, ok = chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName); ok {
        if !chrte.handler.registered {
            chaincodeLogger.Debugf("premature execution - chaincode (%s) is being launched", canName)
            err = fmt.Errorf("premature execution - chaincode (%s) is being launched", canName)
            return cID, cMsg, err
        if chrte.handler.isRunning() {
            if chaincodeLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
                chaincodeLogger.Debugf("chaincode is running(no need to launch) : %s", canName)
            return cID, cMsg, nil
        chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Container not in READY state(%s)...send init/ready", chrte.handler.FSM.Current())

    if cds == nil {//非deploy的情况
        if cccid.Syscc {
            return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("a syscc should be running (it cannot be launched) %s", canName)

        if chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC {
            chaincodeLogger.Error("You are attempting to perform an action other than Deploy on Chaincode that is not ready and you are in developer mode. Did you forget to Deploy your chaincode?")

        var depPayload []byte

        //从lscc中得到chaincode data
        depPayload, err = GetCDSFromLSCC(context, cccid.TxID, cccid.SignedProposal, cccid.Proposal, cccid.ChainID, cID.Name)
        if err != nil {
            return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("Could not get deployment transaction from LSCC for %s - %s", canName, err)
        if depPayload == nil {
            return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("failed to get deployment payload %s - %s", canName, err)

        cds = &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{}
        //Get lang from original deployment
        err = proto.Unmarshal(depPayload, cds)
        if err != nil {
            return cID, cMsg, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal deployment transactions for %s - %s", canName, err)

    //launch container if it is a System container or not in dev mode
    if (!chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC || cds.ExecEnv == pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec_SYSTEM) && (chrte == nil || chrte.handler == nil) {
        if cds.CodePackage == nil {
            //no code bytes for these situations
            if !(chaincodeSupport.userRunsCC || cds.ExecEnv == pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec_SYSTEM) {
                ccpack, err := ccprovider.GetChaincodeFromFS(cID.Name, cID.Version)
                if err != nil {
                    return cID, cMsg, err

                cds = ccpack.GetDepSpec()
                chaincodeLogger.Debugf("launchAndWaitForRegister fetched %d bytes from file system", len(cds.CodePackage))

        builder := func() (io.Reader, error) { return platforms.GenerateDockerBuild(cds) }

        cLang := cds.ChaincodeSpec.Type
        err = chaincodeSupport.launchAndWaitForRegister(context, cccid, cds, cLang, builder)
        if err != nil {
            chaincodeLogger.Errorf("launchAndWaitForRegister failed %s", err)
            return cID, cMsg, err

    if err == nil {
        //launch will set the chaincode in Ready state
        err = chaincodeSupport.sendReady(context, cccid, chaincodeSupport.ccStartupTimeout)
        if err != nil {
            chaincodeLogger.Errorf("sending init failed(%s)", err)
            err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to init chaincode(%s)", err)
            errIgnore := chaincodeSupport.Stop(context, cccid, cds)
            if errIgnore != nil {
                chaincodeLogger.Errorf("stop failed %s(%s)", errIgnore, err)
        chaincodeLogger.Debug("sending init completed")

    chaincodeLogger.Debug("LaunchChaincode complete")

    return cID, cMsg, err


  1. 调用getArgsAndEnv获取参数和环境,构建startImageReq(启动container的请求)。
  2. 调用VMCProcess来处理startImageReq。这里是执行实际的start container的一些操作。
  3. 状态机进入了register过程,等待register的完成。
// launchAndWaitForRegister will launch container if not already running. Use the targz to create the image if not found
func (chaincodeSupport *ChaincodeSupport) launchAndWaitForRegister(ctxt context.Context, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, cLang pb.ChaincodeSpec_Type, builder api.BuildSpecFactory) error {
    canName := cccid.GetCanonicalName()
    if canName == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("chaincode name not set")

    //if its in the map, its either up or being launched. Either case break the
    //multiple launch by failing
    if _, hasBeenLaunched := chaincodeSupport.chaincodeHasBeenLaunched(canName); hasBeenLaunched {
        return fmt.Errorf("Error chaincode is being launched: %s", canName)


    //launch the chaincode

    args, env, err := chaincodeSupport.getArgsAndEnv(cccid, cLang)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container: %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s)", canName, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID)
    chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container with args: %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
    chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container with env:\n\t%s", strings.Join(env, "\n\t"))

    vmtype, _ := chaincodeSupport.getVMType(cds)

    /*set up the shadow handler JIT before container launch to reduce window of when an external chaincode can sneak in and use the launching context and make it its own*
    var notfy chan bool
    preLaunchFunc := func() error {
        notfy = chaincodeSupport.preLaunchSetup(canName)
        return nil

    sir := container.StartImageReq{CCID: ccintf.CCID{ChaincodeSpec: cds.ChaincodeSpec, NetworkID: chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, PeerID: chaincodeSupport.peerID, Version: cccid.Version}, Builder: builder, Args: args, Env: env, PrelaunchFunc: preLaunchFunc}

    ipcCtxt := context.WithValue(ctxt, ccintf.GetCCHandlerKey(), chaincodeSupport)

    resp, err := container.VMCProcess(ipcCtxt, vmtype, sir)
    if err != nil || (resp != nil && resp.(container.VMCResp).Err != nil) {
        if err == nil {
            err = resp.(container.VMCResp).Err
        err = fmt.Errorf("Error starting container: %s", err)
        delete(chaincodeSupport.runningChaincodes.chaincodeMap, canName)
        return err

    //wait for REGISTER state
    select {
    case ok := <-notfy:
        if !ok {
            err = fmt.Errorf("registration failed for %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s,tx:%s)", canName, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID, cccid.TxID)
    case <-time.After(chaincodeSupport.ccStartupTimeout):
        err = fmt.Errorf("Timeout expired while starting chaincode %s(networkid:%s,peerid:%s,tx:%s)", canName, chaincodeSupport.peerNetworkID, chaincodeSupport.peerID, cccid.TxID)
    if err != nil {
        chaincodeLogger.Debugf("stopping due to error while launching %s", err)
        errIgnore := chaincodeSupport.Stop(ctxt, cccid, cds)
        if errIgnore != nil {
            chaincodeLogger.Debugf("error on stop %s(%s)", errIgnore, err)
    return err

  • VMCProcess主要过程是开启协程,尝试获得container的锁,执行startImageReq的do函数,然后释放锁.在do中主要是调用了start函数来启动相应的container。对于执行环境为system(即system chaincode)和执行环境为docker(即用户级chaincode),分别对应不同的start函数。 core/container/controller.go
func VMCProcess(ctxt context.Context, vmtype string, req VMCReqIntf) (interface{}, error) {
    v := vmcontroller.newVM(vmtype)

    if v == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown VM type %s", vmtype)

    c := make(chan struct{})
    var resp interface{}
    go func() {
        defer close(c)

        id, err := v.GetVMName(req.getCCID())
        if err != nil {
            resp = VMCResp{Err: err}
        resp = req.do(ctxt, v)

    select {
    case <-c:
        return resp, nil
    case <-ctxt.Done():
        //TODO cancel req.do ... (needed) ?
        return nil, ctxt.Err()
func (si StartImageReq) do(ctxt context.Context, v api.VM) VMCResp {
    var resp VMCResp

    if err := v.Start(ctxt, si.CCID, si.Args, si.Env, si.Builder, si.PrelaunchFunc); err != nil {
        resp = VMCResp{Err: err}
    } else {
        resp = VMCResp{}

    return resp
  • 对于用户级chaincode. Start函数中,主要是docker启动的操作。在启动之前检查container是否已经在运行,如果是则通过vm.stopInternal清理、停止、并移除container。然后尝试创建container,对于image不存在的情况在失败后会首先尝试创建image,然后重新创建container.之后对创建好的container加上需要的attach(这里的主要是log的处理),最后启动container. core/container/dockercontroller/dockercontroller.go
func (vm *DockerVM) Start(ctxt context.Context, ccid ccintf.CCID,
    args []string, env []string, builder container.BuildSpecFactory, prelaunchFunc container.PrelaunchFunc) error {
    imageID, err := vm.GetVMName(ccid)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    client, err := vm.getClientFnc()
    if err != nil {
        dockerLogger.Debugf("start - cannot create client %s", err)
        return err

    containerID := strings.Replace(imageID, ":", "_", -1)
    attachStdout := viper.GetBool("vm.docker.attachStdout")

    //stop,force remove if necessary
    dockerLogger.Debugf("Cleanup container %s", containerID)
    vm.stopInternal(ctxt, client, containerID, 0, false, false)

    dockerLogger.Debugf("Start container %s", containerID)
    err = vm.createContainer(ctxt, client, imageID, containerID, args, env, attachStdout)
    if err != nil {
        if err == docker.ErrNoSuchImage {
            if builder != nil {
                dockerLogger.Debugf("start-could not find image <%s> (container id <%s>), because of <%s>..."+
                    "attempt to recreate image", imageID, containerID, err)

                reader, err1 := builder()
                if err1 != nil {
                    dockerLogger.Errorf("Error creating image builder for image <%s> (container id <%s>), "+
                        "because of <%s>", imageID, containerID, err1)
                if err1 = vm.deployImage(client, ccid, args, env, reader); err1 != nil {
                    return err1

                dockerLogger.Debug("start-recreated image successfully")
                if err1 = vm.createContainer(ctxt, client, imageID, containerID, args, env, attachStdout); err1 != nil {
                    dockerLogger.Errorf("start-could not recreate container post recreate image: %s", err1)
                    return err1
            } else {
                dockerLogger.Errorf("start-could not find image <%s>, because of %s", imageID, err)
                return err
        } else {
            dockerLogger.Errorf("start-could not recreate container <%s>, because of %s", containerID, err)
            return err

    if attachStdout {
        /*该部分主要是关于docker 容器的log的,忽略*/

    if prelaunchFunc != nil {
        if err = prelaunchFunc(); err != nil {
            return err
    //Start Container
    err = client.StartContainer(containerID, nil)
    if err != nil {
        dockerLogger.Errorf("start-could not start container: %s", err)
        return err

    dockerLogger.Debugf("Started container %s", containerID)
    return nil
  • 对于system chaincode.会启动协程执行launchInProc完成chaincode的launch工作。 core/container/inproccontroller/inproccontroller.go
//Start starts a previously registered system codechain
func (vm *InprocVM) Start(ctxt context.Context, ccid ccintf.CCID, args []string, env []string, builder container.BuildSpecFactory, prelaunchFunc container.PrelaunchFunc) error {
    path := ccid.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Path
    ipctemplate := typeRegistry[path]
    if ipctemplate == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("%s not registered", path))

    instName, _ := vm.GetVMName(ccid)

    ipc, err := vm.getInstance(ctxt, ipctemplate, instName, args, env)

    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("could not create instance for %s", instName))

    if ipc.running {
        return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("chaincode running %s", path))

    ccSupport, ok := ctxt.Value(ccintf.GetCCHandlerKey()).(ccintf.CCSupport)
    if !ok || ccSupport == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("in-process communication generator not supplied")

    if prelaunchFunc != nil {
        if err = prelaunchFunc(); err != nil {
            return err

    ipc.running = true

    go func() {
        defer func() {
            if r := recover(); r != nil {
                inprocLogger.Criticalf("caught panic from chaincode  %s", instName)
        ipc.launchInProc(ctxt, instName, args, env, ccSupport)

    return nil